As I argued at the beginning of this article, there is no reason you should have to mutate our SOAP message into RPC form in order to use SOAP. 我在本文开始部分讨论过,没有理由为了使用SOAP,而一定将SOAP消息转换为RPC形式。
Well, oftentimes you want to embed a text label next to a picture, or an error message next to a form element. 例如,我们常常需要在图片的旁边嵌入一个文本标签,或在表单元素旁边嵌入一个错误消息。
One key difference between the message form and the plain form is that rdf: about is used to identify the issue resource, however, it is not declared in-line using an ID. 消息形式和一般形式的一个关键的区别是,rdf:about用来识别问题资源,但是,它没有内联地使用标识来声明。
Loosely typed services use generic parameter definitions that do not include an explanation of the message content in form of a schema. 松散类型服务使用泛型参数定义,其中不以架构的形式包含消息内容的说明。
An input node ( primitive) parses an incoming message into an internal form that other Message Broker nodes can process. 输入节点(原语)将传入消息分析为其他MessageBroker节点能够处理的内部形式。
One of the greatest benefits of the Web is the ability to distribute a message in the form of a Web page to millions of users 'systems. Web的最大好处之一是能够将消息以Web页面的形式发送给成千上万的用户系统。
We must develop a mediation handler to transform the message from one form to another. 我们必须使用中介处理程序来将消息从一种形式转换成另一种形式。
The Office of Fair Trading is now asking celebrities to clearly indicate on the tweet that the message constitutes some form of advertising, which for the brand may be seen as counter-productive, she says. 公平交易办公室(TheOfficeofFairTrading)如今要求名人必须在博客中明确说明穿着或佩戴某种品牌就相当于为其做广告宣传,而品牌公司认为这可能会适得其反,她说。
Zhang is able to re-interpret the past and deliver the message as an art form that is creative, refreshing, and powerful for today's audience. 张先生能够为观众们重新解读过去并且以一种创造性的、新颖的、有力的艺术形式传达了这种信息。
For instance, the service database holds a SOAP message in XML form, an HTML Web page, text from a short message, and binary from a JPEG or GIF image. 例如,服务数据库保存一则XML形式的SOAP消息,一个HTML网页,一条短消息的文本,以及一张JPEG或者GIF图片的二进制数据。
This problem goes back to the origin of transactional web applications and resulted in the now-ubiquitous "please click only once" message that accompanies most form submissions. 这个问题又回到了原始网页交互程序和现在已无处不在的提交表单时弹出的“请勿重复提交”消息上面。
If authentication fails, the response is returned with an access denied message or the logon form is presented again. 如果身份验证失败,通常将响应连同“访问被拒绝”消息一起返回,或重新显示登录窗体。
The dispatching of a signal, message, or other form of intelligence by wire, radio, telegraphy, telephony, facsimile, or other means. 无线电电传打字电报机用有线、无线电、电报、电话、传真或其它方法发送信号、报文或其它形式的消息。
Drop me a message on my contact form and let me know about it. 下拉邮件给我,对我的联络形式,让我知道它。
In this model, the return message might take the form of feedback or a formal reply. 在这种模式中,返回的信息可能会是反馈或正式的回答。
A signature scheme is a method of singing a message stored in electronic form, and the signed message can be transmitted over a computer network. 签名计划是一种给以电子形式存储的新闻签名的方式,签名之后的新闻能通过盘算机网络传输。
Please fill in the following message form, thanks! 请填写以下留言表单,谢谢!
Similarly, when starting from a WSDL document, the selection of an operation permits examination of the specific message parts for which form inputs must be generated. 类似地,当从wsdl文档开始时,要对操作进行选择,则允许检查特定的消息部件,以了解必须生成哪些表单输入。
Sets/ returns a Variant containing the message body in the form of any intrinsic type or a persistent object. 设置/返回包含任何固有类型或永久对象形式的消息正文的变量。
Please put the feedback message in this form. 请在下面的表格内输入您要反馈的信息;
If the entry is a message, the message is automatically saved in the Drafts folder if the session times out because of inactivity while the message compose form is open. 如果项目是一封邮件,则在由于不活动而造成会话超时、而邮件撰写格式处于打开状态时,将邮件自动保存在草稿文件夹中。
You can leave a message using the contact form below. 您可以使用下列联络表单与冠怡国际股份有限公司联络。
My respectful customer, you can fill requirement message application form directly, Our account executive will contact you immediately, and apply the best service for you. 尊敬的用户,您可以直接填写需求信息申请表,我们的业务员会直接跟您联系,为您提供满意的服务。
Tell him this bad message with appropriate form. 用适当的方式告诉他这个坏消息。
The paper discusses the relativity and reliability of accounting message, which form the quality characteristic of the accounting message together and none of which is dispensable. 文章论述了会计信息的相关性和可靠性,二者共同构成了会计信息质量特征要求,缺一不可。
Variable message board is one form of parking guidance signs, providing parking information to drivers in travel. 可变信息板是停车诱导标志的形式之一,是为出行者在出行中提供停车信息的信息提供装置。
This paper discussed the based theory of modulation method, demodulation method, the constitution of message source, technological form of signal and pseudo code position of the new-typed system. 详细的讨论了新型NAVTEX系统所采用的调制解调方式、信源的建立、信号的技术格式、伪距导航定位原理等基本的理论。
Realization of E-mail Message Function in Form Reference 表单咨询中邮件通知功能的实现
The dissemination of information from the point of view, again and the message being transmitted in form and meaning perfectly fit, touching, impressed leave people gifted with an extraordinary retentive memory. 从信息传播的角度来看,又能够和被传递的信息在形式和含义上完美地契合、打动人心,让人留下过目不忘的深刻印象。